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Who is Hayden Burgess?


I'm a fun-loving, spirited teen who was homeschooled until I started high school. 


Now, I'm enrolled in an International Baccalaureate program and enjoy studying Design Technology and Digital Photography at Green Run Collegiate.  I hope to secure a career in computer science after college.


I enjoy playing sports year-round, including soccer and baseball with a local homeschool sports league as well as cross-country at my high school.


I love to laugh and make those around me do the same.  Laughter is the spice of life!


I've come to love photography because of the time that I spend outside. Like I said before I'm part of my school's cross-country team.  All of our practices are outside, so I am constantly around nature. All the time that I've spent out there has really made me appreciate my surroundings and how amazing the world really is. Nature is one of my main focuses when I photograph, and I love it whenever I get the opportunity to do so.


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